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Above and Beyond Care is continuously looking to grow and develop our team of direct support professionals. If you would like to join our team of DSP's, please apply through our secure, encrypted application below.

What is a direct support professional?

A direct support professional, sometimes referred to as a direct care staff, supports people with disabilities by teaching and practicing daily living skills in their homes and in the community. They support the person by providing supervision, instruction, and companionship. A DSP enables people with disabilities to reach their full potential by assisting them with activities and goals in the following areas:

Independent Living Skills

Daily skills required to live safely and independently such as shopping, housekeeping tasks, hygiene tasks, and meal preparation

Community Integration

Activities and events that allow people with disabilities to be included in the community, such as going to the library, shopping, to a restaurant, or to the park

Other domains

There are several more domains that DSP's support people in, such as health-maintenance, socialization, behavior management, and mobility. Some activities that a DSP will commonly engage in include prompting a person to follow a medication management schedule, providing transportation to appointments and other community activities/events, offering emotional and behavioral support, and teaching general life and learning skills, such as budgeting, counting, and reading.


Above and Beyond Care, Inc. is a non-profit, waiver service provider dedicated to serving people with developmental disabilities throughout the state of Arkansas. We seek to establish an environment for each individual in which they can achieve maximum independence and prosperity while ensuring their health, safety, and well-being.

Above and Beyond Care, Inc.

21916 N. Whippoorwill Ln.

Bauxite, AR, 72011

T: 501-213-0239

F: 501-213-0574

After-hours: 501-680-0326

© 2018 by Above and Beyond Care, Inc.
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